AAECS Technology
At AAECS, technology skill development is integrated into the curriculum and utilized to improve differentiation and assessment. Students in kindergarten and first grade have a 1:1 i-Pad program. Students in 2nd through 5th grades have 1:1 Chromebooks.
All parents must sign the Student Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) indicating an understanding of the guidelines for use of school technology.
All students access software through Clever, a secure dashboard that organizes the programs students use at each grade level. Clever facilitates SSO, or Single Sign-On, so students don't have to memorize different logins and passwords. Students sign into Clever by holding up their badge to their i-Pad or Chromebook camera. The badge, a unique QR code, is provided for each student.
In the event that devices are sent home, teachers will provide either printed badges or photographs of badges to parents to sign in with their students at home. See below for our AAECS Clever portal and more detailed instructions!
Visit our curriculum page for a list of educational online resources.
Instructions: Logging into Clever from Home