Right to Know
Effective January 1, 2009 all Pennsylvania Public School Districts must adhere to the provisions of the revised Right-to-Know law. Any legal resident of the United States may request public records from the Allentown Arts Academy Elementary Charter School by contacting the agency Agency Open Records Officer.
Under the Right-To-Know Law, all records are presumed to be public records unless disclosure is barred by: (1) state or federal law or regulation; (2) judicial order; (3), privilege, e.g., attorney-client or doctor-patient; or (4) one of the exceptions in Section 708 of the Right-to-Know Law.
For more information, please visit: http://www.openrecords.pa.gov/index.cfm
Agency Open Records Officer
Courtney Henegan
Allentown Arts Academy Elementary Charter School
601 W Union Street
Allentown, PA 18101
Fax: 610-841-4571
Board Compliance Officer: Aldo Cavalli
How to File a Request:
A requester can file a Right-to-Know request in four ways:
Fax, Email, U.S. Mail, In Person
When submitting a request to the Agency, always retain a copy for your file. A copy of this RTK request would be necessary if you should need to file an appeal to our Office upon denial. If you do not have a copy of the actual request, your appeal will be dismissed as insufficient.
The first thing a requester should do to file a RTK request is check with the local or Commonwealth Agency to determine the Open Records Officer (each agency is required by law to have one) and whether the agency requires use of its own Right-to-Know request form. You can always use the Uniform Request Form available on our website to file a request. Address your request to the Open Records Officer. Some agencies use the term Right-to-Know Officer.
Make sure your request for records is specific and concise. Identify as specifically as you can the records you want, so that an agency can quickly locate them and determine whether they are public record.
Right-To-Know Request Form